Nancy Mercer
Nancy - Volunteer Spotlight
Nancy Mercer has been a volunteer since the fall of 2019. She designed the new FNSP website and works with staff to add new content and regularly update Nancy got involved with FNSP when a board member reached out to see if she would be interested in redesigning the website. "I was looking to give back and thought this would be a good way to help out an amazing non-profit using my expertise as a graphic and web designer." Nancy said it was pleasure working with FNSP staff and board members to create a captivating new website that would build a stronger online presence and reach more supporters. Since it has launched, she has continued making updates and adding new content as a way of staying connected and making a contribution. Nancy enjoys cooking for her family using local seasonal foods. "I never pass up a good farm stand, and I am always on the lookout for a good recipe." Nancy does graphic and web design jobs in her studio, in Concord, MA. She is looking forward to traveling when Covid-19 is behind us. Greece is next on her list of places to visit.